
The #1 Blogging Dream + The Ultimate Legal bundle that saved my blog

The Blogging Dream

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symbolize me blogging


The Dream


Having a blog has always been a part of a bigger picture for me. I’ve always wanted to have my own website since 2012 maybe even before that, my memory isn’t all quite where it used to be. However I do remember making a few free websites with my best friend, myself, and just anonymous websites where I’d free bash celebrities, fan girl, talk about daily life and aspire to be one famous blogger some day.

My famous when I was 15/16 was having 1 to 5k followers on twitter and instagram and knowing almost every single person on a personal level. Being able to wake up to a lot of messages, comments, likes, retweets. And the thing was, its not because I wanted those approval from strangers but because I really, really wanted to just be noticed.

(Being bullied constantly does that to ya but if it weren’t for those times, I wouldn’t be in the mindset i’m in now so THANK YOU BULLIES ;)) )

My life wasn’t ever alone I guess you can say. I was always around my family, my friends and if I didn’t have them I knew I could pick up my phone and call my cousins, or whoever and they will be there. Of course the people I surround myself with currently would definitely come running if I were to ever be in danger, however things have changed drastically.

So now, my blog is the form of expression. A form of way to showcase not only my witty and quirky sense of humor and my sarcastic attitude too but its also to show that I have a lot to offer and i’m capable of learning the way of life a day at a time all while doing the things I love.

(introduction to my family and friends on its way don’t you worry!)

Society has put career and jobs into this bubble for so many years.

It used to be that woman couldn’t work, they had to stay home. Then it went to woman being able to work but getting paid less than men always, no matter what. No women could be a supervisor nevertheless a CEO. Now a days, that’s changed of course. However, theres still that stigma about making money online and having a career in such ways.

Not to really toot my own horn but I do believe in myself and in this blog becoming something more than I’ve ever imagined. My mother and a few other friends weren’t really– I can’t say the word unsupportive because they always are but they are also worried that I am setting too much of high expectations for myself that it causes me to never finish anything.

I’ll start something new and get so excited and than months go by and nothing has been accomplished so I’ll just start again, but this time it’ll be something new all over again. I do want to note to my family and friends currently reading this and well to all of you really, I don’t plan on letting go easily on my dreams and this blog will take me there, I feel it.

The Goal For 2020..

for my personal belief and knowledge was that 2020 would be different. This time would be different and weird enough, Covid-19 provided a little bit of help on the aspect of my blog. Covid-19 is nothing to celebrate as we’ve all lost so many people due to it, jobs and so much more as a whole but it did bring out some positives.

Not only did we all learn how to be with ourselves and love ourselves but we’ve learned how to let our family into our daily activities, we’ve found new ways to express our emotions or we started a new hobby, read some books we said we would read but never got to, and for some of us we started a new business venture.

For me I started this blog— one that I do hope were to become a source of income however I am totally okay with it just being a blog that I write words and share knowledge and showcase the beautiful photos I know I can take all while helping just one person smile today and every day. I also started my very own e-commerce store; SURPRISE. It has not yet launched, but I promise to tell you all the details as the days go on by! Any-whoo.. i really do have to give a huge thanks to someone truly special in this journey, emphasis on one of that is, lol.

I wasn’t able to start this blog without this person. She is a very great blogger, lawyer, coach and in my book idol, Amira from A Self Guru.


If you’re looking to start a blog even if it were to just be a form of hobby, self care, or whatever it may be you should really get your hands on this legal bundle that Amira has put together for all of us.

Lawyers can get very expensive and those free templates online could eventually get you in trouble. I was going to personally withhold myself from publishing my blog a little later this year due to the fact of being my paranoid self and not having my blog being 100% legal. The anxiety started to approach and when I came across Amira’s wonderful Pinterest page that led me to her informative blog and website, I came across these templates and it saved my entire life.

I know that may sound so cliche or dramatic but seriously, my blog has always been something on my bucket list to do and yes I’ve created one previously but it was never done properly like this. I had the help of Amira with the bundle templates but also she led me to Chelsea from  HerPaperRoute, whom is now one of my favorite bloggers and people of all time. [ stay tuned for my next post about Chelsea and why she’s my favorite person of all time ].

I personally want to thank Amira for the help she’s provided. The templates were super easy to access, download and knowing my beginner self it is really easy to follow her step by step guidance on each template in order to fill it out properly. You can get yourself the SAME legal bundles that I’ve gotten by clicking this link here.

Don’t forget to show Amira some love on her social media platforms as well as her blog for any resources you just might need. You never know! Having her in your corner just might make all the difference in the future worlds.


Life is too short to dwell on the past and sure as heck too short to hold yourself back from the potential greatness. Live the life you want to, or the new life you have been wanting. Stop the complaining and go for it. You’ve got the resources to stay legal now, whats stopping you?





P.s. if you have not checked it out already you should go on over to my first money making blog post where I share some of my favorite apps that could be either saving you a ton or making you some money during these times. Even just 5 cents every day will go along way my friends. Top Three Money Making Apps , it’ll give you all the inside scoop to do just that. Let me know what you think! I love talking about money 😉

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