Dear Twenty Something Year Olds
This is for my dear twenty something year olds who haven’t felt like themselves lately.
Who’s waking up every day and doing things out of habit and ‘need’ instead of want.
For those going back home after a long day, to lock themselves in the same four walls that provide warmth, joy, sadness and loneliness all at the same time for endless hours uncontrollably scrolling through social media and all those what if thoughts replaying over and over again.
This is for those who can’t seem to grasp their true purpose in life. Wanting so much out of every single day but always ending up less proud because they can’t seem to figure out what good they did — even though they probably have done plenty that they haven’t realized just yet.
This is for the twenty something year old who looks themselves in the mirror and wonders “why me?” or “who am I?”…. those who cry themselves at night to sleep replaying the things they could change within a blink.
Shout out to those that dropped out of college, or the ones who returned to school after 2+ years of being out. To the mothers and fathers who work endless hours and put on a smile even when tired and still keep trying.
Dear Twenty Something Year Olds
Whomever, whatever and wherever you may be, just know that
You are an amazing human being.
You are doing the best thing in the world; you are trying.
You are more than enough and what you do does not go unnoticed.
K – E – E – P – G – O – I – N – G
Make time for yourself because you deserve all of your own time too. It doesn’t have to be a big thing nor a small thing, it can be all of it.. Just make sure it is for YOU.
You deserve that extra hour of sleep on Saturday morning, that one solo trip to walk around the grocery stores, leaving the kids with dad or grandma.
Book that appointment for your nails, your hair, your makeup.
Book that road trip for the weekend.
Go on that hike to clear your mind.
Turn off your phone so you can enjoy some ‘me time‘ for a whole 8-12 hours if not more EVEN if you are just in the comfort of your own room.
for however long…
for however many times you need to.
Allow yourself to feel the emotions because you shouldn’t have to carry it with you every single day. Allow yourself to get through it, do not try to hold it in so you can ‘bypass’ these emotions.
You can not go under it nor around it and you definitely can not leave it behind without going THROUGH it. They never talk about how self love or self care journey looks like a lot different for everyone. They never talk about how the in betweens of emotions get to you.
They really don’t talk about how you’ll probably try to distract yourself by adding much more to your plate without ‘upping’ or appreciating what is already in your life . They don’t talk about how you’ll one day feel as though you completely love yourself and a week or heck even a day later you’ll go through a certain self experience that really reminds you– you still have a lot to work on; making you feel as though you’ve completely lost yourself instead of fallen in love with yourself.
One thing I really need you to grasp on in this post to shed some light in the positive side of things ok.
It is ok to go through all of these motions.
It is ok to not go through all of these motions.
I want to end this post by saying, do not be afraid. Afraid of growth, afraid of failure, afraid of realization, afraid of change, and or especially afraid of asking for help.
From experience, there’s a lot of things that I feel too ashamed or embarrassed to bring up to family and close friends so I deal with it on my own by choice. However, certain things you should be able to rely on going to your family and friends especially if you really need the extra support to lean on even if its just to get you started and in the habit of whatever it is you need help with. There is absolutely nothing wrong with leaning on your support system or even just ONE person for a temporary situation in order to build that confidence, strength and habit to do it all on your own.
Everyone’s life is completely different. We have our own individual paths to walk through, our own decisions and obstacles to face but we do not need to go through them alone.
From one 20-something year old to another;
I see you, I hear you, I feel you.
I am so proud of you and we are going to get through this together.
Brianna Anjelique