25 Lessons Learned in 25 years
25 lessons I’ve learned in 25 years
Since my birthday is just 7 days away, I wanted to share 25 lessons from these 25 years of life.
I have been very self-aware about my actions since I turned 24. I’m not really too sure as to what happened there but it’s like a huge switch went on as soon as I was 24 and I was learning how to really dissect myself. Whatever I felt, why I felt it, why I did and said things even at the ages of 17-22… I was just in self-aware mode.
Anyway, let’s get on with these lessons, and let me know if you have ever learned these as well.
- Trying to be perfect at everything is impossible to do and honestly not just stressful but boring.
- You can’t do and be everything all at once. Stick to one thing at a time, focus on what really makes you happy or intrigues you most and go from there.
- prioritizing YOU is so important.
- Experiences are everything and you don’t necessarily need a lot of money for them. Think outside the box.
- Self-doubt is one of the biggest reasons we don’t pursue our passions. Don’t let it win. Try things at least once!
- Surround yourself with people who live through life with you, uplift you, and overall create healthy relationships.
- If you need help, reach out to one person even if that is a coworker.. old HS friend… a neighbor… or a hotline.
- Some plans will not work out, don’t change the ultimate goal just change that plan to get there.
- If you’re confused about something, speak up with clear words of being confused and or questions.
- Find a calendar that works for you. Especially if you’re always involved with hobbies, events, socializing getting together with friends, etc…
- Sometimes the answer is within no answers.
- Learn about boundaries and what yours are. Set them with those you surround yourself with, trust me it’s useful.
- If someone wants to be in your life they will show up in any way possible. Don’t force or beg anyone to stay and that’s including friendships and family.
- You can trust yourself. Your intuition is never wrong.
- Taking a few hours or even a whole day to rest is okay but make sure you get up the following day and get shit done.
- Really work on your mindset. Podcasts, audiobooks, mediation, etc.. find something that works for you as an outlet.
- Try learning something new every day and I don’t just mean school-wise but in life as well.
- Apply what you learn.
- Start that financial plan asap.
- Search for your future insurance options and make sure to utilize your current one before you lose out!
- Dating is difficult but not impossible. Just try your best to stay safe!
- Create a bucket list whether for the summer or overall year and cross them off!!
- Stop comparing yourself with others. Your journey is your own and cannot be replicated by someone else, no matter how hard they try. Stay on YOUR path.
- It’s okay to do things by yourself, it can be therapeutic sometimes.
- Be grateful for those you do have in your life. Adulthood can be scary and sometimes lonely but you still have your support system even if some of them are just the temporary support kind. All of it shouldn’t be taken for granted.
There we have it, 25 lessons in these 25 years that I have learned.