Goodbye 26, Hello 27 | Birthday Series
Another 365 days around the sun. I’m not sure how often I self-reflect throughout the year, I know it’s pretty common for me to, however, I mainly reflect on different things than when it comes to my birthday month.
This is another post in the Birthday Series for 2023 going into 2024. I’m not scared at how quickly time is going by actually, I’m not scared at all, I’m so excited for what’s ahead because of all that I’ve already gotten through and accomplished.. but trust me if you had asked me this a year and a half ago, I’d probably say something differently.
Well, here’s a blog post yet again ending chapter 26, sharing all that I’ve accomplished and setting intentions for chapter 27. Thank you in advance for joining me on this journey.
Goodbye 26, Hello 27 | Birthday Series
As soon as it hits September 1st, I start to remember all that I’ve done since the last birthday month. Especially this year because I actually get to look back at the blog post that I created going into chapter 26. You can read last years post here. One of many perks (in my opinion) about sharing my life on a blog. birthday
If you’ve had a chance to read that blog post, you’d know how special going into this chapter was for me and I’d like to say that it truly was a magical chapter. You’ll have to stick around and read the rest of the post to know why that is. birthday
For the past 2 weeks I’ve been really excited to celebrate my birthday. This year I chose not to do things how i’ve done them before; this year I’m really going minor and basic by choosing serenity and overall joy within myself and surrounded by people I can count on at any time of any day. birthday
I’ve also been very emotional for the last week, emotional for a lot of reasons.
One reason… there’s slight disappointment in not completing a lot of my goals and expectations that i had for myself. Set by myself at the age of 16. I mention this because at 16, I was very oblivious, a dreamer and of course so young to understand what it meant to be independent. Times are also very different from then and now, in a lot of ways. Between how much we get paid versus how much school is versus the cost of overall living, cost of pretty much everything– yeah that’s a topic for another day and post- but I think YOU know what I’m talking about. birthday
I keep having to remind myself that there is no rulebook.
There is no timeline for these things in life to happen.
Sure, we make plans and hold onto hope while executing the plans every day to get closer to achieving these goals… however the plan doesn’t and can’t account for the things we cannot control in life.
Another reason… chapter 26 was truly a magical year for me.
It was the first year that I allowed myself to be vulnerable in ways that I never thought I could.
It was the year I established my business as an LLC..
It was the year I took a stand for my mental health…
a year I set boundaries for myself and with others…
a year I learned that it’s ok to not live the life others around you are living because again-
there is no rulebook or timeline stating we have to do it this way or that way by this time.
I found this note in my phone just before writing this blog post and it put the biggest smile on my face. It’s a summary of what I’ve come into 2023 with, who came into it with me, where I was in my business and it was just bullets and one phrases but I know what it all means.
It then begins to say intentions for the year and wow oh wow did I set the intention so right. My ‘word’ for 2023 is MORE. I’ll screenshot what I wrote on this part and enter it here: birthday
More connections have been made through social media (yet again), stronger connections within those I’ve known 2+ years with my current journey, more laughter with friends and family sometimes even strangers thanks to TikTok, more opportunities as I’ve been able to do side gigs and was able to leave one job for another one that provides me the opportunity to make more money and work from home like I wanted for a while.
More love towards myself as well as building stronger connections with family and the very small amount of friends. More memories like PA trips for the weekend, beach road trips for a few hours, random conversations with friends while sitting in our car for a few hours after work decompressing, virtual game nights, hotel nights and many more. birthday
This year was truly magical for me because I’ve felt more free, more joy, more love and peace this year than any other times. There wasn’t much drama (at least with me involved), there was a lot of healing and shedding of old version me and more embracing the current me every day. There was a lot of less pressure and letting things flow like it’s meant to be, taking it literally one hour at a time.
I am a huge believer in being able to change at any given time in life. What we like and dislike at this very moment could change in 2 weeks, months or years. We change environments, we open our hearts and minds to new perspectives and we change along with it even if we don’t 100% notice it at the time.
I know that I am a work in progress and I honestly believe I may always will because time is never ending and the world changes, society changes as each generation gets older and starts learning about themselves about the world, etc.. Forever work in progress and I’m willing to always work on myself and stay accountable.
I have overall goals and a dream lifestyle I still want to achieve. Which means i’ve got to rewrite some new plans and keep pushing forward, no matter how long it takes me to get there.
I’m really excited for this new chapter, even though its an odd number, I know it’s going to be ODD in the most spectacular ways. Chapter 26 set the tone for the rest of my life, it was the foundation, it was the year I truly needed to show me that anything I want is already mine and it’s on its way to me. I’ve just got to keep showing up for myself, keep learning and remember to enjoy life a whole lot more than just making money and putting pressure on myself.
As I said last year…
I am blessed to see another year. I am blessed to have the opportunity to make a plan and work on it every day that I open my eyes.
Today I wrap all the things I have done up until this point, the memories along with it, and lock them away to make room for new love, new friendships, new memories, and milestones. [and overall opportunities in every aspect of my life]
Today I start a new chapter of my story and I just know it’s going to be a very personal and spectacular year. birthday
Happy 27th birthday to Me.
Takiyah D
Happy Birthday gorgeous!! 🎂🎉
Good cheer to all on this beautiful day!!!!!
Good luck 🙂